Minimally Invasive Sinus Procedures

There are now a number of minimally invasive sinus/nose procedures that can improve chronic sinus infection, constant nasal congestion, and constant nasal drainage. Ear, Nose & Throat Care Center has extensive experience in these simple procedures which get your nose working like it should.

“It makes all of the difference in the world just being able to breathe at night and being able to sleep well.”

Sinus Procedure Patient

Balloon Sinuplasty™

The painful symptoms associated with chronic sinusitis can be overwhelming. If symptoms are difficult to control with medications alone, your primary doctor may refer you to an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist, who can determine the best course of treatment, including further medication, therapy or surgery to open the sinus passage ways.

Now, there is an additional surgical option for treatment of blocked sinuses called Balloon Sinuplasty™ Technology. If you have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and are not responding well to antibiotics, you may be a candidate for surgery. Your surgeon now has a less invasive option that is clinically proven to be safe, effective and improve the quality of your life.

Balloon Sinuplasty™ Technology is an endoscopic, catheter-based system for patients suffering from sinusitis. The FDA-cleared technology uses a small, flexible, sinus balloon catheter to open up blocked sinus passageways, restoring normal sinus drainage. When the sinus balloon is inflated, it gently restructures and widens the walls of the passageway while maintaining the integrity of the sinus lining.

“Don’t wait as long as I did come in and get it taken care of. It was such an easy procedure.”

Balloon Sinuplasty Patient

Turbinate Reduction

Turbinates are structures in the nose that humidify the air we breathe. They are made by a boney structure that is surrounded by soft tissue. Turbinates can enlarge and become swollen causing nasal obstruction, mouth breathing and snoring.

If turbinates remain enlarged after allergy treatment and medications, sometimes it is necessary to perform a simple procedure to reduce the turbinate tissue and improved the nasal passage airway.

Turbinate Reduction is a minimally invasive office procedure, performed under local anesthesia, and take about 5-10 minutes. Commonly, there is no pain after the procedure and only minimal bleeding which is usually resolved the same day. Patients typically have increased nasal congestion and crusting for 3-4 weeks. We recommend frequent nasal saline and antibiotic ointment after the procedure for several weeks.

Neuromark Ablation Device

Chronic rhinitis is inflammation of the nose which causes watery runny nose, nasal congestion, and post-nasal drip. Out-of-balance nerves in the nose are one of the major contributing factors to Chronic Rhinitis. When the nerves become overactive they cause the nasal lining to become inflamed and this increases mucus production.

Nasal sprays, pills, and allergy shots attempt to reduce the inflammation and nasal drainage; however, they require daily use, sometimes are ineffective, and can cause other side-effects.

Now, you don’t have to suffer anymore! Neuromark is a low risk, minimally invasive, and zero downtime solution. This simple procedure places the device in the back of your nose where the target nerves are located to help you breathe easier and live better.


The PROPEL sinus stent is placed in the sinus after surgery to promote healing and reduce the need for additional post-operative procedures.

To learn more about the benefits of PROPEL and safety information, visit Sinus surgery with PROPEL is clinically proven to provide relief by targeting inflammation, the primary characteristic of chronic sinusitis.

The first step is to open. After sinus surgery, PROPEL is placed to help prop open the sinus. Second step delivers medicine directly to the sinus to reduce inflammation that could block the opening. The third and final step dissolves. As the sinus heals open, PROPEL is designed to dissolve within 45 days.